Monday, 17 October 2011

Primer Tests

Some interesting results from a primer test.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Danger of Shooting Without a Backstop

Interesting article on 6mm-Br highlighting the dangers of shooting without a backstop. Really goes to show how such a small error can make such a big difference.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Government Response to the HAC Firearms Enquiry

The government has finally released it's Response to the Home Office Affairs firearms enquiry. What does it mean for shooters, NOTHING. essentially there will be no changes to the status quo apart from a possible increase in the application fees and updated guidance to the licensing authorities and police.

I suppose it is both good and bad. Good in that there will be no knee jerk response to the Cumbria shootings but also bad because of the lost opportunity to remove ridiculous parts of the various firearms acts that don't actually achieve anything. For example expanding ammunition and passing land for certain calibres.

GUNS Magazine

The December edition of GUNS Magazine is available online now

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

October Update

Well, I've been away for a while again but this is what's happened whilst I've been offline:

The October Issue of Target Shooter is available free online

The October Issue of SSUSA is available free online

The new edition of The Rifleman's Journal it out

The fist Bisley Live event happened (despite a poor turnout apparently only about 10000 for the whole weekend!)

The Pheasant shooting season has started

and I'm sure a lot more that I've missed.